Friday, March 21, 2025

Lovely, beautiful and wonderful things


Hello kind people!

Hope all is well with you and yours by the grace of God!

We have entered in the last ten days of Ramadan month. I am really grateful for I could fast after many years (  five to six years almost) 

I am more happy about reduction of carbs in our daily life which made it possible. Because the more carbs you eat the more hungry you feel for carbs. Does it sound like laws of attraction 😂

Thanks to blogger friend Jan who keep inspiring me first of all then to Doctor Doctor Zee whom we subscribed on YouTube (Urdu channel) He with his short and brief videos convinced us (me and hubby) to cut short our breads and  decrease the sugar intake. We are planning to 

shift to the two meals a day rather than three meals. It’s amazing to feel less stuffed and light🤗

      Sharing hubby’s image because I feel it worth it, I often take hubby’ photo before he leaves for the office.  He has two more months of such routine. He is retiring in the first week of June 2025 .I wonder how it feels to suddenly disengage long time routine (30 years)  He is gift for his family ♥️

This lovely photo and one below it are from the day when eldest son Ahsan and Gabi has invited Gabi’s parents to celebrate Sue’s birthday 🥰 this image fills my eyes with tears of joy and gratitude 🥹♥️

     A family photo after their visit to restaurant I guess. Sorry that I couldn’t find  Sue’s birth date though I scrolled my cell screen lot😔  me and hubby are quite impressed with this beautiful family who schedule trips to different countries and cruise on yearly basis properly.  Right a week or two after this Sue and John visited Austria by road.they travelled through the underwater tunnel to France and then to Germany and Austria. This was astonishing that John drove whole way 😯👍 . They are visiting this route to Austria since thirty two years almost. It’s a wonderful thing for me to learn even 😊🥰👌 and after returning from this tour Gabi ,her family and other close family members went to cruise for five days . How exciting 🤗🥰♥️ I love to see families so closely engaged and travel together.  My son was invited for each trip but sadly he didn’t have time to join that because time hopefully 🤞 

     Sue is very nice photographer, she has shared one of her capture with from London ,she is very active person,she reads ,travels ,write for some magazine and teaches badminton to youngsters! She is sixty four♥️

This short video was shared by Sue when they were on trip to Austria and they were entering in the underwater tube train to reach France . I found this whole thing very interesting and exiting. Travel under the water and in the train wow everything is full of wonder 😍🥰♥️

Thanks dear friends for being with me!
Health peace and happiness to you and to all you love ❤️ 

Monday, March 17, 2025

What Inspired Me Most In Our Holy Book

 I have shared about my life with honesty always. Honesty is the only gift I have. No further skill I got. 

I have mentioned I wasn’t  religious as growing person. When my mother would make me get up early in the morning to say prayer or read holy book I would be irritated like normal children of my age. In early teen, My grandfather had gifted me some heavy religious books which I tried to read honestly because I loved reading always but they were packed with extreme thoughts and threats for the sinner . My little mind couldn’t grasp that How Creator of such Huge universe can think such small way so I returned them. I would rather love to sit with grandparents and ask them to tell stories. I still feel lucky I could spent some time with them. 

Anyway, my views regarding religion remained cold till my thirties only because I couldn’t find anyone who can inspire me to get close look of the matter. I would participate in religious rituals like prayer,fasting without comprehension of what they mean actually. But my longing to do everything with absolute honesty kept me anxious. 

In 2011 when I felt devastated and heartbroken after the death of my parents , I tried many things to attain peace of mind but nothing worked. 

God has plans for everything. He had for me as well. He knew me more than I knew myself. He knew my desire to get close to him. He knew how to give a way. He used trauma of the loss of my parents to pull me towards Him . And guided me to the path that could reveal Truth to my heart eventually. 

Reading Quran wasn’t any help for understanding religion for some early years because  it was not my aim at all. I would open the holy book after everyone was gone only to feel less lost and alone. Like a drowning man would try to hold anything floating by to stay up.

But when, with time i realized that my grief was soothed and i was able to focus on what was before my eyes ,i started to concentrate on the topics and stories mentioned within Quran . with repeated reading in  more than a decade i slowly, was able to feel connected to the main theme of the holy book. My mind has a habit of connecting  things quickly in the background while my eyes are focusing on things present before. It helps lot in solving thriller ,suspense and mystery movies or books.

When i would read Quran my mind would connect it's theme .message or subject with scientific theories and daily human life quietly.

This deepened my interest in science and what it says about Maker of the universe and everything within it. 

But today it is not the topic . 

I just want to share what Inspired me most in our holy book so i could first of all trust it from within fully and relate with what it says to some extent. 

Like all other holy books Quran also describes world as place for test of our Faith. And that life for people with Faith will be easier than those who don't have Faith .

What touched my heart most is that it invites towards goodness and equality of everyone regardless of race ,gender ,coulor and possession . It says that just having of tag of any religion cannot make one go to heaven (or live an easy life ) but having eemaan which means a healthy mindset with positive and harmless attitude can lead to a happy life because he gains the will of Creator with him!

According to Quran Since the beginning world was given only one Religion ,Religion of God .To make people live a life with goodness and harmony. Though this Religion was named differently during different time periods by various nations but basic subject never changed !

 According to our holy book the only thing that is important for the Creator in human is their humanity and piety of their character . Piety of character means that he lives a harmless life for people around him and does no corruption in society which can lead to mental and physical destruction . Any of such sin is counted as unforgettable sin in the eyes of God .Though personal mistakes are considered forgettable .  Because no one will be accountable for what others did.

Quran asks his people to have Faith in One God,  Who Created everything. 

Have Faith on that since world has been created He has sent so many of His Messengers ( according to myth here one lac 24 thousand)  to remind us about the promise He has taken from us when we were only souls .Promise to be good to us and to all around on earth.

 The names and stories of Muses ,Christ and many other prophets are mentioned as confirmation of the Truth they brought to the world. While it is also  said that Denying any of it will be considered the Denial of all prophets and God Himself.

In the explanation it is also mentioned that No part of land is spared from God's messengers including China and India. ( which shows acknowledgment of universal guidance for all nations equally)  

Have Faith on all the holly Books He has sent through the hearts of His Messengers so people can stay up to date about their task here . 

Have Faith on the judgement day ,that universe will end ( like everything else) someday and people will return to their Creator and will be questioned about their doings. 

I realized through my daily life observation that how important it is for everyone to have concept of right and wrong. because when even one person in the family avoids it or one even one person in the parliament avoids it  things get messy and complicated for all around them . 

Today we see that most of the people have lost the concept of good and bad which is resulting in the horrible world we live today.

Forgive me but it is hard to believe that everyone has his own right and wrong. This idea supports a thief who robs others because he thinks this is the only option but it does not go with normal people .

 I believe that science helped us to understand that  laws of physics work same way everywhere in our universe . Therefore we can see that in nature everything is working in harmony to where it belongs. Such as if each petal in the flower decides to take different path a flower can never be shaped . 

Similarly in our body if one organ fails to do it's duty we fell sick .

I admit that  whatever is happening in the world is also part of   nature's law of constant change and evolving.

 But having Consciousness make us responsible for better manifestation i believe. 

I shared my thoughts honestly once again and i hope my friends who will read the whole post will share their thoughts as well .

Thank you so much for bearing with me dear friends !

Health ,Peace and Happiness to all of you and to all you love!


Saturday, March 8, 2025

Happy Women’s Day To All Wonderful Women, Mom And Yes Debra ♥️


I have realised that since sometime I am forgetting to post on special days like mother day or women’s day . All days are equally important and beautiful. But these two are most favourite of mine.

I picked up some nice photos for posting today and then I realised it was women’s day yesterday so I decided to post about it.

I have been contemplating about the two main and basic energies with which the universe has been created. It’s not a fantasy or fiction but reality and we see numerous examples of the display of this in everyday life in the form of good and bad whether things or humans or high and low whether mood or status . I have no doubt about it that life is created as an effort to create balance between both sides which makes the existence of anything “ successful “  truly. Otherwise the life is wasted in meaningless conflicts which make it miserable and do no good to anyone.

Why this topic on women’s day?  Because I am a women and my mother was a woman of course,

Women are considered weak because of their physical frame. But here is the most exciting part that strength does come from  physical size.It comes from the real thing that matters most,from inner self ,from soul!

According to the law of physics nothing moves further until applied force on. Women are the ones upon whom forces have been applied since world exists. God has plan for everything from tiny to huge. He created a woman physically weak but he created circumstances to make her stronger than men . To get God’s tricky way one must open his heart because truth isn’t seen with bare eyes only. 

I am proud to have mom like her as she was though seen 
 Mere physically weak woman but those  who encountered her know she was an Undefeatable rock who stood firm against all odds throughout the life. Without her strength she would have never been able to give us life we have today!🥹

She will be my strength and inspiration always.

To be a mother,a woman is better option, God knew that well!

I want to take this opportunity to appreciate the Debra she who seek who posted a Ramadan post. To me it reflects her neutral approach to all religions. And her courage to take such step! She is an inspiration for many undoubtedly! Hats off to you my friend,you are brave and beautiful woman 🥰♥️🙏
Happy Woman’s Day to you all my wonderful female friends 🥰😍👍

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Flowers From Hubby’s College

Hey Sweet  Hearts 💕 

Hope having blessed time by the grace of God!

It second of March, spring in our area has been started officially. Our yard is dazzling with lots of delightful smiles of Nature. But right now sharing with you abundance of the pretty blooms from Hubby’s office. They have moved back into college building after renovation and the gardeners have done wonderful job to recreate the almost same old beauty for which building is famous for. Enjoy the glimpse dear friends 🥰 how it brings smile on your face as my heart fills with gratitude and joy when see the. In the darkness we need light of faith and positivity!

“Only in the darkness you see the stars “ Martin Luther 

                                      “  Where is life,there is hope “ Stephen Hawking 

                           Hope is seed from where everything grows out,my opinion 

                                        “Be. The  light so others can see “ source unknown 

                               Even the smallest amount of light makes the difference, Roger Lee

                               Hope. Is seeing light even when surrounded by the darkness 

                            Hope is the only thing stronger than fear,      Unknown source 

                           Hope. Never abandon you , you abandon the hope   ,   George Weinberg 

                         A. Dream is a bearer of. New. Possibility, The enlarged horizon,The Great. Hope       unknown source 

                        If. You truly love  nature,you will find beauty in everything,Vincent Van  Cogh 

                      Mastering. Others is strength, Mastering yourself is true power.  Lao tzu

                        Turn. Your. Face towards sunshine and shadow will fall behind you , Walt Whit

                                    Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it. , Confucius  

                            Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself,    Coco Chanel 

Nature and Truth are One , Immutable and inseparable As Beauty and Love   , by Anna Brownell Jameson ,love this one most ♥️

   One of the happiest moments of your life is when you accept what you can’t change , unknown source 

                              If everything was perfect ,you would never learn to grow         ,Beyoncé 

A. Secret to life , know that none of of. This matters yet  Live as if every single moment does   Kamal Ravikant

                     Lessons in life will be repeated until they are Learned. ,Frank Sonnenberg 

Thanks for being with me kind. Souls!
 Ramadan has started here. 

health peace and happiness to you and to all you  love ❤️ 


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